Changing between Grade Book Systems in Brightspace (Points, Weighted, and Formula)

The following article details the steps to switch the Grade Book in Brightspace to utilize Weighted Grading.


Please note that the course layout, steps, and screenshots shown below may differ slightly for your campus.

While the steps below specifically detail how to switch to a Weighted Grading System, the steps can be utilized to switch to any Grading System available in Brightspace. 

Changing between Grade Book Systems

  1. Navigate to the Grade Book in your course.

  2. On any page within the Grade Book, find and click on the Settings button towards the top right.  

  3. Select the "Calculation Options" tab.

  4. Fill in the bubble next to the "Weighted" Grading System.  

  5. Click Save to save your changes, and Yes when asked to confirm your changes.  Clicking Close will then exit the Settings area and return you to the Manage Grades page of the grade book.

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If you need further assistance or have additional questions please contact:
SUNY Online Support Services Help Desk
1-844-673-6786 |

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