Methods for Hiding Grade Items in the Gradebook

The following article details the primary methods that instructors can use to hide Grade items (or columns) within a course. The methods provided include hiding the item from students, hiding an item from students based on dates, and hiding a Grade item from yourself. Note: In Brightspace, Grade item is the term for a Grade column.


Please note that the course layout, steps, and screenshots shown below may differ slightly for your campus.

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Hiding a Grade Item from Students

  1. Access Grades from the Navigation Bar (also sometimes located within a dropdown on your NavBar) within your course.
    Then, go to Manage Grades.
  2. In Manage Grades, scroll to the Grade item you wish to hide. Click the chevron next to the Grade item and select “Hide from Users”.
  3. Confirmation of hiding this Grade item can be confirmed in two ways.
    1. In the Manage Grades page, a hidden eye icon will show next to the grade item.
    2. On the Enter Grades page, go to any student name, click the chevron and select Preview. The grade item will not be present on the Preview Grade page listing for a student.

      Click the chevron next to the grade item and go to Hide from Users

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Hiding a Grade item from Students using dates

  1. Access Grades from the Navigation Bar (also sometimes located within a dropdown on your NavBar) within your course.
    Then, go to Manage Grades.
  2. In Manage Grades, scroll to the grade item you wish to hide. Click the chevron next to the grade item and select "Edit".
  3. Click into the Restrictions tab, then select Start Date, and click the date box to select a starting time and date that you wish your Grade item to be visible to students.

  4. Select the End Date, and click the date box to select an ending time and date for the Grade item to disappear from student view.

  5. Save and close.

    Go to the Restrictions tab and use Start and End dates to start and end access to the grade item.

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Hiding a Grade item from yourself (instructor)

  1. Access Grades from the Navigation Bar (also sometimes located within a dropdown on your NavBar) within your course.
  2. In the top button area, click on “More Actions”, and select Hide/Show Columns.
  3. Unselect (uncheck) the grade items you wish temporarily hidden from view.

    Click the More Actions button and select Hide/Show columns from the dropdown menu


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