Removing Associations to the Grade Book

The following article details how to remove associations between gradable activities and the Grade Book.


Please note that the course layout, steps, and screenshots shown below may differ slightly for your campus.

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Removing an association between a course activity and the Grade Book must be done before the associated grade item can be deleted.  This can also be done for grades that you do not want appearing in your Grade Book.

Removing Associations for Assignments

  1. Navigate to the Assignments area of your course. Click the chevron next to the title of the assignment you would like to separate from the Grade Book and select Edit Assignment.
  2. Click where it says In Grade Book to access your options. Not In Grade Book will keep any recorded grades in the Assignments area but will remove the association from the Grade Book. Reset to Ungraded will completely remove the possible points associated with the activity along with any grades that have been recorded while also removing the association from the Grade Book.

  3. Once you have selected your preferred option, click Save and Close. The association with the Grade Book has now been removed.

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Removing Associations for Quizzes

  1. Navigate to the Quizzes area of your course. Click the chevron next to the title of the quiz you would like to separate from the Grade Book and select Edit.
  2. Click where it says In Grade Book and select Not In Grade Book. This will remove the association to the Grade Book but keep all grades that have already been assigned to completed quiz attempts, so grade data will not be lost.

  3. Click Save and Close. The association with the Grade Book has now been removed.

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Removing Associations for Discussions

  1. Navigate to the Discussions area of your course. Click the chevron next to the title of the discussion topic you would like to separate from the Grade Book and select Edit Topic.
  2. Click where it says In Grade Book to access your options. Not In Grade Book will keep any recorded grades in the Discussions area but will remove the association from the Grade Book. Reset to Ungraded will completely remove the possible points associated with the activity along with any grades that have been recorded while also removing the association from the Grade Book.

  3. Once you have selected your preferred option, click Save and Close. The association with the Grade Book has now been removed.

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Removing Associations for External Learning Tools

  1. Navigate through your Content area to where the link for the activity is located. Click the chevron to the right of the title and select View Topic.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look in the bottom right for the "Assessment" area. The title of the grade item associated with the activity will be shown there.

  3. Click the title of the associated grade item. Doing so will open a drop-down menu showing available options for what the activity could be associated to.  Click --No Grade--, then click Save.

  4. Click Save and Close. The association with the Grade Book has now been removed.

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If you need further assistance or have additional questions please contact:
SUNY Online Support Services Help Desk
1-844-673-6786 |

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