Copying Content from One Course to Another


The following article details the steps required to copy course materials and content from one course to another in Brightspace.


Please note that the course layout, steps, and screenshots shown below may differ slightly for your campus.

Article Index

Click here to jump to: Beginning the copy process

Click here to jump to: Final steps: Copy All Components

Click here to jump to: Final steps: Copy Individual Components

Beginning the copy process

  1. Log in to Brightspace, and then access the course you want the course content copied into.
  2. Access the Course Admin area of your course
  3. Click on Import/Export/Copy Components. If you are sorting tools by Category, this will display under Site Resources.
  4. Ensure that the Copy Components from another Org Unit option is selected
  5. Click on Search for Offering. This will cause a small pop-up window to appear.
  6. In the new pop-up window, search for the course that you wish to take the materials from.
  7. Fill in the bubble next to the course you wish to take materials from, and then click Add Selected
  8. The pop-up window will disappear. The name of the course should now appear in place of the Search for Offering button

At this point, you will need to determine if you wish to copy all content into your course, or only some individually specified items.

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Final steps: Copy All Components

  1. To copy all content into your course, click the blue Copy All Components button at the bottom of the page.
  2. After clicking the button, you will be taken to a page where you can watch the copy progress. Once the copy is completed, you will be informed, and you can now review your course to ensure all materials have copied over and make any necessary changes to the course's content.

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Final steps: Copy Individual Components

  1. To copy only some content into your course, click the gray Select Components button at the bottom of the page.
  2. You will be taken to the Choose Components to Copy page. On this page, check the box next to each type of item that you wish to copy. (For example, if you wish to bring over a quiz, check the box next to Quizzes.)
  3. For each type of item that you wish to copy, choose to either Copy all Items or Select Individual Items to Copy. Then, click Continue.
  4. If you chose Select Individual Items to Copy for any type of item, you will then need to specify which items to copy. Click Expand All, and then check the box for each item you wish to copy. You will perform this step for each type of item (Assignment, Quiz, etc.). Click Continue when done choosing which items to copy for each type of item.
  5. Once the above step is complete for each type of item, you will be presented with the option to Offset Dates. If you wish, you may use this tool to automatically modify the dates of content items that are being copied.
    1. You may choose to offset dates by either a set number of days and hours. Simply input the number of days and hours you wish to move the dates by. This can be done in Forward or Reverse.
    2. You may also offset dates by having the system calculate the days and hours for you. In this case, put the old course's Start Date in the From section, and the new course's Start Date in the To section.
  6. Click Finish

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If you need further assistance or have additional questions please contact:
SUNY Online Support Services HelpDesk
1-844-673-6786 |

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