Reviewing Assignment Submissions


The following article details how to review feedback that has been provided to you by your instructor on an assignment submission.


Please note that the course layout, steps, and screenshots shown below may differ slightly for your campus.

Article Index

Click here to jump to: Viewing Feedback Through Assignments

Click here to jump to: Viewing Feedback Through Content

Click here to jump to: Viewing Feedback Through the Grade Book

For assignment submissions, any feedback provided by your instructor can be viewed in one of several ways, each with their own unique details. If you do not have access to the Assignments area of your course through the navigation bar, skip ahead to the sections on "Viewing Feedback Through Content" and "Viewing Feedback Through The Grade Book."

Viewing Feedback Through Assignments

  1. Navigate to the Assignments area of your course. For any assignment for which you have submitted work, you will see a summary of your submissions in the "Completion Status" column. If your instructor has reviewed your work and provided feedback, you will see a link in the "Evaluation Status" column. When the link says "Unread," it means that there is feedback you have not yet reviewed. Once you have reviewed the feedback, "Unread" will change to "Read." If your instructor provides additional feedback after that, the link will switch back to "Unread."

  2. Clicking on the link provided in the "Completion status" column, will bring you to a page summarizing your submissions for the assignment. There, you will see several pieces of information. Note that this page is your submission history only, and it will not display grade data.
    1. The "Submission ID" column provides a reference number for your submission. If you do not see a value in that column, it means that the file included there was one of two or more that were submitted simultaneously, in which case it falls under the same submission ID as the next highest value in the Submission ID listing.
    2. The "Submission(s)" column provides information on the files you submitted and their status.
      If a file was deleted by your instructor, you will see "file deleted" after the file name.
      A file that has not yet been viewed by your instructor will have a closed envelope icon next to it.
      A file that has been been viewed by your instructor will have an open envelope icon next to it.
    3. The "Inline Feedback" column will be visible if your instructor provided any comments or notations directly into your file. Clicking the link provided will open your file to display their notations.
    4. The 'Date Submitted" shows when the file was uploaded. As with the Submission ID column, if no data is present, it means that the file in question was one of several uploaded simultaneously, and its date of submission will match that of the next highest listing.

  3. Clicking on the link provided in the "Evaluation Status" column on the Assignments page, will bring you to a page summarizing your submissions and your grade. You will also be able to see any feedback and files your instructor uploaded for you to review. The submission summary at the bottom of the page allows you to access inline feedback if provided, and will also provide data such as the "Submission ID" and the "Date Submitted." As with your submission history page, if there is no data present in those fields for a submitted file, it indicates that the file was one of several uploaded, and its data will match that of the next highest data in your submission listing. Note that this page does not include data on submissions that have been deleted by your instructor.

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Viewing Feedback Through Content

  1. Navigate to the assignment link provided in your Content area and click the title. There you will see a summary of your assignment submissions above the area where new submissions can be uploaded. A notation will be included to mark any submissions that have been deleted by your instructor.

  2. To view your feedback and grade summary for your assignment, scroll down towards the bottom of the page and look for the "Feedback" area. There you can review your overall feedback, any inline feedback, a record of when your grade was last updated, and the grade recorded for the assignment.

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Viewing Feedback Through the Grade Book

  1. Navigate to the Grades area of your course and look for the assignment in question. There you will see a summary of any grade data your instructor has made available to you as well as your overall feedback and a link to your inline feedback (if this field has been enabled by your school). Note that this page does not contain your submission history or a link to view any files that your instructor might have uploaded for you to review.

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Article ID: 158642
Thu 11/2/23 12:42 PM
Thu 11/9/23 5:27 PM