The following article details the steps to set up a Special Access exception for an Assignment.
Please note that the course layout, steps, and screenshots shown below may differ slightly for your campus.
Instructors can create Special Access exceptions for one or more students within an Assignment. Special Access allows activities to be available to only a select group of users or individualized due dates for certain users.
Adding Special Access
To add a Special Access exception to an existing assignment, navigate to the "Assignments" page in your course. Locate the assignment to which you would like to add the Special Access. Click on the chevron next to the assignment and click on "Edit Assignment".
In the “Edit Assignment” screen, locate the panel labeled “Availability Dates and Conditions”. Click on this panel to expand the options and locate the Manage Special Access button.
Choose between "Allow users with special access to submit outside the normal availability dates for this folder" or "Allow only users with special access to see this folder."
Allow users with special access to submit outside the normal availability dates for this folder should be used when you want the students with a special access exception to have access along with other students in the course. This setting will ensure that students without an exception can also access the assignment.
Allow only users with special access to see this folder should be used when you want only the students with special access to see/access the assignment. This setting will prevent students without an exception from seeing or accessing the item.
Click Add Users to Special Access.
In the window that appears, change the "Due Date" and "Availability" Start and End Dates as needed, then choose the users you wish to apply the exception for.
When done creating or editing a rule, click Save. You can now see the users added to Special Access. You can make edits to any Special Access rules by clicking on the Pencil button.
When finished creating or editing rules, click Save and Close.
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