OER Glossary



OER Glossary

OER – OER, Open Educational Resources, are learning resources under the creative commons license. Depending on the type of creative commons under which learning materials, such as media, lectures, research materials, and texts, are licensed, users can retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute.

Candela – This is the most common course type. Candela has e-books with curated text, video, interactive activities, and other learning materials.
Demo of candela course:


Course Cartridge – A course cartridge is a .zip file that comes from an LMS, learning management system, a publisher or another 3rd party provider. A course cartridge is an easy way to deliver packaged content. Course cartridges are imported into the campus’s LMS. If you need a Lumen course cartridge, this is a file, usually delivered compressed in a zip format, for integrating a course (in Candela, Waymaker, or OHM courseware) into an LMS.

AKA: Cartridge, Course package, Native Cartridge (which integrates most completely with an LMS), Thin CC (offers only a bare-bones integration with an LMS)

Course Copy- This is a copy of an existing course or online text. If you request a Lumen course copy, it is a campus-specific copy of a Candela master course that gets its own URL in the Candela platform.

Creative Commons License – The creative commons license is not a single license. There are 6 different types of creative commons licenses. In general, the creative commons license is a way for creators, authors and companies that ability to grant others permission to reuse their work, forgoing the traditional “all rights reserved” stipulation.

LTI – An LTI, Learning Tools Interoperability, is a connection made between the LMS and the connected learning system or tool. For connectivity to occur in Bb, an LTI must be installed first. Once the LTI is installed for a campus’s LMS, all who use that tool can access it without requiring individual installations or keys.

LatePass – In a Lumen course, it is a feature in OHM, this allows faculty to allot to each student a specified number passes to submit an assignment later than the due date.

LumenOHM– Lumen Online Homework Manager is an online homework engine and course building platform for math and other quantitative subjects. OHM has an internal Help button that submits support requests to a Lumen support team. OHM allows instructors to export their own course cartridges.



Lumen Account – When a faculty member asks for a ‘Lumen account’, further clarification is generally needed to determine whether they want access to a Candela course, an OHM account, or something else. Often they are talking about gaining access to Candela instructor resources or access to a Candela course copy, and looking closely at any resources or courses they mention may give some context to what they are asking for.

Open Pedagogy – This is an approach to learning where instruction shifts from commercial texts and resources to openly licensed resources and supplemental materials for instruction, content creation, and information sharing.

Pressbooks – Name of software that Lumen uses for Candela courses. Some people will refer to a course as Pressbooks. The open source software that Candela is built on. If a faculty asks for access to Pressbooks, they are likely looking for access to a Candela course or a blank course in Candela.

Study Plan – (in a Lumen product) is a feature in Waymaker that shows allows students (after they’ve completed a pre-quiz called “Show what you know”) to see what areas of the course they need to focus on.

Waymaker – includes more messaging tools, configuration and personalization, study plans, and individualized feedback. Additionally, Waymaker courses may include text, video, images, simulations, and try-it-yourself activities. As students work on these courses, the study plan updates. Waymaker courses are integrated into the LMS so students and faculty can access the course directly through the LTI process.




Article ID: 120696
Wed 11/18/20 6:00 PM
Fri 12/18/20 10:52 AM